
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So, I have tickets to attend Allume in just a few short weeks, and I'm feeling like a major slacker on the blog front.  It's been almost two months since my last post.  I really do have a lot to say, but finding time to write makes my brain hurt.
In short, I...
went back to work {my biggest excuse}
run to soccer practice and games {love this.}
chase Joel all over the place during his waking hours {love this, too....but it. is. a. lot.}
peruse pinterest {i. am. addicted.}
take pictures of said kids and completed pinterest projects {i just don't post them.}
grocery shop, cook, clean, wash mountains of laundry {i try.}
sleep {ha!}

Maybe Allume will give me the spark I need to get back into the swing of posting.  Maybe it won't. Either way, I'm looking forward to a fun weekend away and meeting all the bloggers that I love. :)


  1. can't wait to meet you!!! Love, Traci Michele Please find me at the conference!!!
