
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

{almost} Thursday Thoughts...

I'd be lying if I said working full time and trying to keep up at home wasn't wearing me down.  There are days when I feel like I'll never catch up...there are days when I don't even try...then there are days I work like heck to get it all done.  I cry almost daily because I feel like I'm missing out on Joel's first year.  I want to quit my job and stay home, but I can't.  Posts have been scarce, but I haven't had time for blogging as of late. 
Instead, I've been...
rushing to early morning meetings
fighting a cold
working on fourth grade book reports and other homework
helping study for math, spelling, social studies & science tests
arguing with a certain nine-year-old about said homework & practicing good hygiene habits
making lists
grocery shopping
changing dirty diapers 
scheduling & driving to doctor's appointments 
making bottles
 doing dishes
giving baths to a cute baby
cooking with Daniel
running to soccer practice two nights a week & games on Saturdays
writing lesson plans
wiping off of almost every shirt I own
playing with blocks
cleaning bathrooms 
washing, drying, folding & putting away never-ending mounds of laundry
carving pumpkins with my buddies
beginning to stress about the holidays...yes, already
living for the weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Same here :) We'll make it through! These days, believe it or not, are the best days of our lives :-) Enjoy the small things & worry about the laundry tomorrow! It will still be there.
    Love ya sis!
