
Friday, June 22, 2012

show us your life...dining room

Our dining room is pretty much an extension of our kitchen.  
We bought our dining set a few years ago and I absolutely love it!  
It's hard to tell in the picture, but it's a high top & I have always wanted one! 
I especially like the bench :)

I always decorate with a few patriotic pieces on Memorial Day and leave them out all summer.
Star dishes are from the dollar spot at Target {a find from several years ago}.
Tart burner from PartyLite {I bought those before we moved into our house almost eight years ago}!
Anchor place mat from Kohls {one of this summer's early markdowns}.
Lighting from Home Depot - I couldn't wait to get rid of the ugly brass chandelier the builder used!
This sever goes with the dining set & I love having the extra space for storage and decorating!
The hurricane candle, runner, pitcher, and serving tray are all from DaySpring 
The shelf & sconces are Home Interior.  
I got them when I hosted a party right after we got married...LOVE.  
Blocks are also from DaySpring {love that site}.  
I change the words to go with the current holiday or season.  
Right now it spells "Freedom."
My mother-in-law brought the bell {left on shelf} home from Jerusalem.
Right now the sconces have decorative floral napkins folded over inside.  
I love these because you can literally put anything in them & they look pretty :)
On right of server: our summer bucket list in a frame - we cross things off with a dry-erase marker as we go.  Yellow clay fish courtesy of Daniel's fourth grade art.
 This round side table was a Christmas gift from my parents the year after we moved into our house.  
This is another piece I absolutely love.  It has loads of storage space & I like to keep it decorated cute.
The wire candle is from Pier One.  Although you can't really see it, the square candle sits on an antique butterfly dish that belonged to my keepsakes like this!  I keep our electric friendship {gift from a friend, how appropriate} candle lit all the time.  It works great for a night light on all those extra trips we make to the kitchen for Joel in the middle of the night :)

That's a peek into our dining room.  
It is not fancy, but it's where we eat almost every meal together as a that.
Disclosure:  Don't be fooled...about 14 piles of clutter were cleared out for this photo shoot! 


  1. I love that you sit together as a family for meals!! So wonderful and something we strive to do also! Love your space! Too funny about the clutter... I'm right there with ya!! :-)

  2. Lovely family room! I really like the blocks and round table. I love the way Americans dress up their rooms for different celebrations throughout the year. We only really do Christmas in the UK! Although, people did get into the Jubilee spirit and of course, football:)

    And yep, the clutter gets moved out of the way for pics sometimes!

  3. I love your space. And yes, I move the clutter around for my pictures too. We're all in this together :)
