
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy 15 Months, Joel!

Our little buddy is 15 months old and is keeping this mama very busy!  He's finally walking and doesn't stop!  Before he began to walk, he spent most of his waking hours "walking" on his knees.  He jumped all over the place and giggled as he went.  While it was cute, we wondered if he'd ever take off on foot, but as with every other milestone, he worked at his own pace and is now officially a walker :)

  Love this!  They're inseparable :)

Joel now has 12 teeth, including four molars {2 top & 2 bottom}.  He we went through a week of aggravation for one of the molars and one in the bottom front. Another is peeking through on top, so he'll have 13 before we know it.

He has such a fun & loving spirit, but that doesn't mean we don't hit rough patches every now and then.  It is sooooo important to keep him on a schedule.  We just got back from a week at the beach {which is where he officially learned to walk full-time - our beach house had Berber carpet, which made it easier for him to get going}.  He did so good!  He slept through {most} nights in his pack & play in the living room and napped twice a day like a champ.

Joel still takes a bottle in the morning and at bedtime.  He doesn't seem to miss it throughout the day, as he is busy eating lots of other foods, playing with his big brother, and getting into everything!!   His favorite foods: yogurt {still}, raisins, blueberries, watermelon, cheese, and goldfish crackers.  He loves to dance and will bust a move pretty much anytime he hears music.  Favorite toys: stacking number stars, homemade rain stick, balls of any kind, Diego doodle board, John Deere tractor, board books, new sock monkey from our beach vacation   :)

He's "talks" all the time.  He'll come off with a whole line...we'll ask him what he said and he repeats himself to a t!  We have no idea what he's saying, but he sure does.  Words: Mama, Dada, puff-puff {when we put powder in his diaper}, duck {or some variation}.  He is very receptive and seems to understand most of what we say.  ie: Get the ball.  Can Mommy have a kiss?  Give Daniel hugs!  Do you want a drink?  Are you hungry?...

Happy 15 months to our beach baby :)

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