
Friday, September 23, 2011

Favorite Places to Shop for Adults...

~ Link up at Kelly's Corner ~ Show Us Your Life: Favorite Places to Shop for Adults ~'s a favorite past time of mine.  I love to shop...for everything...clothes, shoes, handbags, scarves, kids' clothes, home decor, toys, and the like. But...since Joel was born, I haven't had much free time, so most of the shopping I've done in the past five months has been online or when I get a chance to peruse the clothing & shoe departments while I'm at Target on a toilet paper & toothpaste run.  Cash isn't exactly flowing freely in our household these days either, so I have to watch my spending...And anyone who knows me, knows that isn't easy.  However, my birthday was three days ago...My family came to celebrate last weekend...and they delivered!!  I was blessed with cash, gift cards from Mom & Dad and a gift certificate to my favorite day spa from Dan & the boys.  I can't wait to take a day and spend those babies!!!  
I don't have one particular style...a mix, I guess.  I love to layer with jackets, sweaters, and camis.  I like embellishments.  Matching is usually a must, but I'm getting better at mixing colors that compliment each other...and scarves are a favorite accessory.  I have more shoes and purses than one can imagine, and I don't carry a purse for more than a few weeks before switching to another.  I like capris, dressy pants, and jeans.  I rarely wear dresses & skirts - just not my thing.  So...what style would you call that!?  ha!  My favorite stores are Kohls, Target, Old Navy, TJ Maxx, and Ross.  I rarely buy anything unless it is on sale and/or I have coupon(s).  

Here are a few looks from Old Navy that I love...
I am also a member of a few awesome private flash deal sites...membership is free & you get credit for referring friends.   Some of my favorites are... Totsy (they mostly have stuff for kids, but I always seem to find something for me when I'm there!  Another favorite is RueLala.
Beyond the Rack is another great site...they currently have the cutest sweaters for $39 (reg. $100)!  I also love Heartsy - they sell handmade items at reasonable prices - I have an infinity scarf from TeaRex on Heartsy and I love it!!!
Have a great weekend...happy shopping! :)

Disclosure: Referral links used.

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