
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

babyganics at VitaCost

I haven't posted in a while.  We had a whirlwind weekend away for a family wedding & then I got sick right before we drove home Sunday.  It has been CRAZY around here, and I thought it would only be appropriate to write about VitaCost & all the products I've been using to freshen and disinfect our house these past two weeks as the flu has swept through our family, not once, but twice!...

You might remember my post about ordering a few Babyganics products from VitaCost.  I had never used their stuff, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  But...I had a $10 credit and figured I'd try them out.  I love everything I purchased!

In a perfect world, I would have a bathroom big enough for a changing table within reach of soap and hot running water.  Well, this isn't a perfect world, and Joel's room is across the hall from the bathroom.  There are times when I need to sanitize my hands before I touch one more thing. That's why I got this...

Have you ever walked into your baby's room to breathe in the aroma of freshly soiled diaper?  I don't care who you are or what kind of trash can, genie or champ you have, nothing completely conceals that dirty diaper smell.  That's where this comes in {I love its fresh lavender scent & non-aerosol pump}...

I have a love-hate relationship with cleaning.  I love a clean bathroom.  I hate spending a Saturday morning {that would otherwise be free} scrubbing my heart out and breathing in chemicals to achieve a bathtub that sparkles.  I'm also not a fan of putting my baby in a tub that I just cleaned with said chemicals.  I know, I know...I could go green & use vinegar {I actually have}, but I don't like that odor either.  That's why I'm using this {it also has that fresh, clean scent of lavender that makes cleaning enjoyable  tolerable, and it gets results}...

I don't let my baby eat from a Clorox bucket, so why would I let him eat Cheerios from a tray that I  wiped down with antibacterial spray or chew on a toy that has just been soaked in bleach?  I'm much more at ease when I use this...
Have you used your FREE $10 VitaCost credit yet?  If you haven't, hop over here and check them out.  They have MUCH more than babyganics...bath & beauty needs, baby care, vitamins, daily deals, etc...all at discounted prices!  Sign up for your FREE $10 credit now :)

Disclosure: All thoughts are my own; affiliate referral link used.

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